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There are many areas you can be involved and volunteer in, more than just the ones you might see on a Sunday morning.  Whether you like being in front of people or behind the scenes, whether you enjoy working with kids, youth or adults, we believe we have a spot for you.  If there is something you would like to be a part of that you do not see in this brochure please talk with one of the pastoral staff or email the church office and we will see how that fits in with our overall mission of making God's love known.  If you aren’t sure what area of ministry you would like to be a part of we would love to help you discern what your abilities and spiritual gifts are to help you see where you can plug in and be part of the team.  If you volunteer for a ministry that you end up feeling is not a fit, we will work with you to find the best place for you to serve. Anyone serving in ministries with kids, students or anyone considered to be vulnerable must screened through our Safe Place Policy prior to serving.


It takes more than a few people to make Sunday morning possible and volunteer opportunities include worship team leader, musician, vocalist, scripture reader, sound technician, media technician, live stream, decorating, YouTube channel & website.

Worship Ministry


If you like making people feel welcome, as if they just walked into your home, this might be for you.  Areas include usher, Sunday morning coffee team, food services, property & maintenance, gardening & church picnic.

Hospitality Ministry


Children's Sunday School

Sunday school for kids (ages 2 - grade 5) takes place prior to the worship service and volunteer opportunities include teaching, teaching assistant, leading singing.  We also have a separate team that looks after children's church which takes place during the teaching time of the church service for kids ages 2 - 5.


Student ministry for grades 6 - 12 takes place during the week and volunteer opportunities include regular volunteer leader, special events helper, provide snacks.

Student Ministry


There are many ways for you to be involved when it comes to adult ministry.  Men’s & women’s ministry, 55+ Ministry, small group leader, prayer ministry, library.

Adult Ministry


This team helps oversee Crossway’s local and global missional connections & involvement.  If you have a passion for missions this might be the team for you.




VBS takes place in summer usually in early/mid July.  Volunteer opportunities include the lead & planning team, leading or assisting a small group, station leader, leading the music, main stage leader, drama, tech support or helping with crafts or snacks.

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