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In the third episode of the Star Wars drama series The Mandalorian we are introduced to the phrase "this is the way." The Mandalorians say this each time they talk about what it means to be a Mandalorian. The saying is more than a catch phrase, it's more than just a cool thing to say, rather it is the creed or the code by which they live. The way may not always make sense to others, but it is the way a Mandalorian lives. The same can be said for those of us as followers of Jesus. Faith in Jesus is more than accepting Jesus into your heart for the forgiveness of your sins so you can go to heaven. Faith in Jesus is about following Him, becoming like Him and doing what He does. This means that if you believe in Jesus there is a distinct way to live. This may not always make sense to some and it may not always be easy, but it is way of Jesus. So what exactly is this way? Join us as we take a journey of following Jesus, of discovering what it means to live as a follower of Jesus from the way Jesus teaches. The way of Jesus is definitely more than just catch phrases we learn to say so that we sound like followers of Jesus, it is away of life. It may not always be easy for us to live this new way, but as we will discover, it is a way that is impactful.
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